Those Cozy Mysteries😉

How far would you go to catch criminals, especially if you’re not a detective or police officer? That’s the question that our mystery unwrappers thirteen-year-old Polly in Polly Parish Mysteries, twelve-year-old Jessica in Jessica, The Adventure Girl, twelve-year-old Abigail Asher in Memory Lane Adventures, forty-year-old Code Patterson in Code & Silas Mysteries, and twelve-year-old Eiffle in The Night Cats answer in their respective stories that are filled with adventure and danger.

3 Stories. 1 Book
3 Stories. 1 Book

Where to get a copy?🤔

Barnes & Noble, Rakuten Kobo, SCRIBD, ODILO, Smashwords Store, Palace Marketplace, and Gardners.

You can also purchase through Apple Books, Baker & Taylor, Vivlio, OverDrive, BorrowBox, bibliotheca, tolino, and hoopla.

Also in print 📚 at independent booksellers.

Dei gratia ne cede malis

Attitude can be the hero or villain in the room. Your choice.🤔

Dear God, I pray for peace for those who need it and for continual peace for those who have it. Amen

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